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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 128

Chapter 0128

“I still don’t understand what this has to do with me.” As gruesome as it would be to get cut off fingers delivered, it doesn’t sound like something that should have the whole pack in an uproar.

“Both fingers have the mark of a Luna, the one she receives when she accepts her title during the Luna ceremony.

Which leads our doctors to believe two Lunas were harmed or killed. The flesh of the fingers appears to have been severed from the body with silver powder. It was burned down to the bone, where there are saw marks. The damage to the skin is the exact same as on your back.”

I drop her hand as both of mine fly to my mouth.

Someone, maybe two people were tortured to the point of having fingers removed, slowly, by the burning of silver powder. How long would something like that even take? Hours or days? What would make someone want to hurt another person like that? And why was it brought here? Does someone know about what Kaley has done to me? Is it some kind of sick joke from her? At the thought of her, my mind takes me back to that day and the smell of burning flesh fills my nostrils, the searing pain hits my back like

the silver was just applied. My whole body remembers those moments, and everything hurts. I can’t move, I’m locked in that memory and can’t escape. I glance around and can vaguely see the Luna’s mouth moving, but I can’t hear a thing she is saying from the blood pounding in my ears.

My whole body feels cold and limp, but I am frozen to my spot. I do register a loud noise and then warm hands wrapping around me and tucking my face into a large chest.

The warmth surrounds me and feels good, but I can’t move, the pain won’t leave. My body won’t respond to any command I try to give it, I’m a prisoner.


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