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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 127

Chapter 0127

We stand in silence as the elevator rides up to the fourth floor. It’s tense, but not uncomfortable. Even my wolf knows something important is going on and is taking in every detail she can. I try to steady my breathing, just like waiting for an opponent to strike in a fight.

Finally, the elevator reaches the top floor and it opens slowly. I feel like time is messing with me, with how long it is taking just to get to the Luna and Alpha. All of asudden I am engulfed in a hug and blinded by the softest sweater ever. If I could breathe, I would let the Luna keep me wrapped up like this for longer, but I have to tap her shoulder to let her know I need her to loosen her grip on my neck.

“My sweet girl, you're alright!” She whispers out.

“Why wouldn't I be alright? What’s going on?”

“The threat we came across last night was not specific, but it was implied that a powerful female was the target. That could be a few different people, the Luna Queen and myself included, but there have been several high ranking females here over the last few days with the trials and several in the trials. The

Alpha King’s guards are running patrols to try and find the trail of the messenger, but we haven’t heard a thing.” She hugs me again.

“I still don’t understand what that has to do with me.”

“Honey, the threat came right after the warrior trials, and you were the top female. The rest of the ranking females left shortly after the trials were finished yesterday, most can’t spend too much time away from their packs. So if the threat wasn’t against the Luna queen or myself, we have to assume you would be the next target.”

“Is that why Oliver said he got a weird feeling last night? He was on my floor sleeping, said being close was the only thing that made his wolf settle down. She pulled back from our hug and looked at me, a question in her eyes, that she didn’t voice out loud. "

The rest of the guys were sleeping when I left to come down, I didn’t get to talk to them.” I look around the room taking in the amount of people here. “Where is the Luna Queen? Shouldn’t she be up here guarded too?”

‘King Reggie felt better keeping her close, his wolf almost took over yesterday after the threat. If Lucas wasn’t leading the patrol trying to track the

messenger, I would probably be by his side too. He


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