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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 157

Chapter 0157

“Oh, really? I would like to see that. It’s not everyday you get achance to beat an Alpha.” I giggle and wink at Cam who has an unreadable expression on his face.

“Alright little man, it sounds like you want a challenge and I don’t know how I feel about you taking my girl's attention or holding her hand. I might not play fair now.

Brandon's eyes go wide and he looks at his hand in mine and jumps back like I electrocuted him. “I’m sorry Alpha, that’s not what I meant at all. I just wanted Sky to watch, you know, since she’s been teaching us and all, and..."

“Brandon, relax, he was just teasing.” I try to calm the rambling boy down.

Was I though? If I’m not allowed to touch you, no one else is. Cam mindlinks me.

My jaw drops open, but Cam just turns around winking at me. “Come on Brandon, let's show your fearless leader what you can do.” Cam walks off with Brandon, and I am speechless.

As soon as my brain checks in and I realize I should be moving, a Massive arm wraps around my shoulder.


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