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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 164

“That is three questions, but I will let it slide due to mental exhaustion. You are in the hospital of the Royal Pack. It was decided that this would be the best place for your healing. I turned the sound of the machines off eight days ago, you have been here for 14. Your turn.” He raises an eyebrow at me.

My eyes go wide, two weeks, my injuries were so bad I was out for two weeks? This is going to be a long ass interview if I have to work this hard to get basic answers out of him. And I didn’t miss the omission of him guarding me.

“Both sets of scars are from an interaction with her, but I don’t think she did the whipping herself. The silver powder on the second set, I believe, she did herself. I have no proof and was strung up in a way that I could not see anyone behind me. I only knew her from her voice, I could not detect any scents. Not even hers and my nose wasn’t broken that time. Your turn. Who decided this was the best place for me?”

“Several people were involved in that decision. You were going to come to us eventually and given the situation, it was deemed necessary for you to come sooner than planned. Your turn.”

“You know that isn't a real answer to my question right?”

“And yet, still an answer.” His face does not change from the emotionless mask he’s had the whole time we’ve been talking.


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