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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 165

“That sounds like my best option. Going home would just cause more problems and I have nowhere else to go. And I am done with most of my school credits. It would be a waste of time to have to sit through classes when I could be doing something more productive.” I try really hard to hide my excitement, but I don’t know how well I do.

“You will be held to the same standard as all the Elite Warriors. While you are in training, no contact with anyone outside the training program while you are here. We have designated family visits, but you are bound by the Alpha King to secrecy of the details of our program.”

“I understand. Speaking of family. Does my brother know I am here?”

“He has been brought up to speed on your current situation and is aware of your living arrangements.”

I just nod my head. ‘Up to speed on my current situation’ means he knows how bad this beating was and probably agreed to send me here.

“I know you have some more questions for me, but Doc Sylvia and Doc Ganon would like to come in and check on you now that you are awake. We can continue talking if you don’t mind additional ears.”

“That’s fine, there isn’t much point in hiding now.”


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