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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 166

Chapter 0166

“We will be taking samples every hour until your wolf reappears and we will send up some food. I’m sure your body could do with more than the nutrients we are giving you through your IV. When you are ready we will also send up a hairdresser to fix the butcher’s job they did on those beautiful blonde locks.” Doc Ganon says with a smile that is so like Sierra’s knowing look.

I give asmall smile back. The muscles in my face are still sore, but I’m not sure if it’s from the beating or lack of use. I completely forgot about Kaley cutting off my hair. I can only imagine what I look like right now. It’s going to be strange to not have my waist length hair.

I reach up and run my hands through the jagged locks and I want to cry, but I won’t. Even if she can’t see me, I won’t give Kaley the satisfaction of having me cry over my looks. That is something she believes makes you important, and I couldn't agree less. My hair will grow back, this is not a big thing.

Deep breath, I made it to the Royal Pack and Elite Warrior training. I look over to Warrior Osiston while Doc Sylvia and Doc Ganon do their thing.

“So back to my questions, when can I get out of here and get back to school and start training?” I’m not beating around the bush any more. He said I can train and finish school at the same time, so that is exactly what I am going to do. I need to focus on moving forward with my life, not dwell on past things I can’t change.

“As soon as the docs clear you to leave the hospital, which I assume will involve you connecting with your wolf again, we will move you to a room on the training property. Will you ever tell me the whole truth about your enemy?"


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