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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 168

Chapter 0168

I did not get to see Sierra for two more days. The doctors wanted all of the silver and the wolfsbane out of my system. they still wouldn't tell me what else was in the ‘cocktail,’ but I assume it's other types of poisons or sedatives because of the way that my body reacted to them.

They also took out most of the wires and monitors when I was able to eat and put ona couple pounds, which made moving better.

I thought I was going to cry when Sierra walked through my door and I had a pang of guilt when my instincts made me look behind her to see if the guys were there too. I didn't realize how much I missed them all. Sierra told me that the guys are all here at the Royal Pack doing their training. She's not allowed to speak to them either, which makes me feel a little better.

I thought I was being kept from them because of something Kaley might have said or because they were mad at me for leaving.

They need to stay focused on their work with the other ranked leaders in their training. But if they are allowed to leave their compound, she said they're going to try to come and see her and possibly me.

Which leads me to believe they all know that I'm here with them. I don't know if I am more excited or scared of the idea of them coming to see me right now. I'm not ready to talk to them about the night of the attack and I don’t know what they know or were told.


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