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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 180

Chapter 0180
"Urnrn, I wasn't going to come originally.

I was allowed to do the trials so the Elite trainers could see my skills and because our pack was hosting them. Warrior Osiston and Alpha Reggie decided I should be here, so here I am." I try to shrug it off and put it on them. No one will question the decision of the Alpha King or his lead warrior, I hope.
"It's bold of you to use their names so casually." Audrina speaks up for the first time from the other side of the hot tub.

I hadn't even noticed her join us.
"It's what they personally told me to call them. I shrug again.

This was what I was worried about, but I won't show that in front of her.
"It's still disrespectful. You should know your place in the hierarchy here and use titles appropriately. You aren't in your pack anymore. You aren't the best or the favorite. You should get used to not being coddled quickly.

I can't tell if her tone is for my supposed lack of respect or jealousy at being new but having privileges already.
"Yes, ma'am." I try not to let sarcasm enter my voice, but Pm not sure if it worked.

She just narrows her eyes at me, but says nothing.

She's going to be difficult and she's my direct supervisor, super.
We didn 't have much more time to talk after that fun little interaction.

A chime sounded around the grounds and I looked at Wyatt.
"What's that?"
"Warning bell for dinner, we have ten minutes to Wrap up and clean up whatever we have going on and get down to the canteen.

Trust me, you do not want to be last.

He laughs as he jumps out and grabs a towel, drying off as he is walking in. I follow quickly, Lillian right behind me.
"What floor is your room on?" She asks as we move towards the side door that leads to the study hallway.

"Second, I'm right in the middle. Where are you?"
"Third, but I'll change quick and come get you.

Put on the black sweat pants and long sleeved shirt and there should be some slides too.
"There's a uniform for dinner? Isn't that a little overkill?
"It's an unstated uniform.

Audrina, won't tell you that though." She gives me a side glance as we walk up the stairs together.
"What's her deal anyway? I've been here for a few hours and haven't done anything but the ropes course to get my baseline for training.
"That would be it then. But we can talk about it downstairs, Wyatt wasn 't kidding, you do not want to be late for dinner. These as*holes won't leave you anything, food is the one time it's survival of the fittest around here. I'll be backin 3 minutes, be ready." She drops me at my door and runs off back toward the stairs.
I head into my room and run for the closet, not wanting to be the reason Lillian gets to dinner late.

I can 't help but wonder what my doing the ropes course for a baseline test has to do with Audrina's bad mood toward me.
I barely get my feet in my slides when there is a knock on my door.


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