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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 181

Chapter 0181

“Basically.” Nathaniel shrugs. A man of few words, I like it.

As we round the corner from the foyer to the living room, the low rumble of noise lets me know just how many warriors live here. We walk towards the glass wall at the back of the room and I can already see the line forming.

When the Alpha King and Warrior Osiston showed me around earlier we didn’t go further than the kitchen. I didn’t even think about the lack of usable seating in that space. We must be heading to a dining room.

When I get around the corner and through the door, the roar of conversation is almost deafening, and I love it. You can feel the excitement and energy radiating off of everyone in the room. The buzz is almost overwhelming. I get goosebumps and my wolf is even purring.

It is just five after 8 and the room is already almost filled. The line around the buffet styled counter is moving faster than anything I have ever seen before.

These wolves know what they want and understand the time crunch.

“See, we told you, you have to be right on time. This place is a madhouse. Especially when everyone is here.” Wyatt says in my ear and all 1 can do is smile. I love it!

We got through the line and I think every type of food was available. I remember what Oliver said about me being too small and losing weight, so I piled my plate up not wanting to have to deal with being malnourished if training is going to be as intense as everyone makes it seem.

“I think there is enough room for all of us over there.” Lillian points out at the far corner of the room.


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