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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 182

Chapter 0182

“Okay, so she might be under the impression that I am here to overshadow her or take her place in some way. I just need to stay under the radar enough to stay out of her way. I don’t want to be ‘the favorite’ or whatever she thinks. And the Alpha King calls me ' Little One' too, it's not a unique nickname. Almost all of my friends back home call me some synonym of short. Even Wyatt calls me ‘Mighty Midget.’ It's just a thing.” I shrug.

"She doesn't know that though. She was only at trials for the second day and she left on assignment almost immediately after. She didn't see any of the interactions you had with other people socially."

Nathaniel says matter of factly.

‘Midge, you just turned 15 and were personally brought here by the Alpha King and his lead warrior, you are on everyone’s radar.” I can feel the color drain from my face and I feel sick. Wyatt must notice, he hurries to amend his statement. “I think she’s the only negative one though. You have been the talk of the compound since we got here. Lillian and I have been asked nonstop questions about you since we got to work with you in a team. I think that’s why they

assigned me as your guide for the day tomorrow. I’m kind of interested in following you around at school.

I graduated two years ago, I wonder if anything has changed much?” He looks a little thoughtful, like he is remembering something pleasant about his high school experience.


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