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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 192

“Not to worry Skylar, we will make sure there is something for you. What time do you have to meet with your leader?”

“She wants me outside at 5am and I know we don’t start breakfast until 5. I didn’t want to get in the way of your prep for the rest of the warriors.” I really don’t want to get in the way or make things difficult for them. It can’t be easy feeding this many people, let alone warriors who need to eat more than the average wolf.

“This is what we are going to do. Come on down at 4:30 and you ask for me, Stella, or Jack here and we will make sure you get what you need, alright?” Stella pats me on the shoulder.

I just nod and smile feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. “Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver!” I wanted to jump over and give her a hug like I would with Lenny in the kitchen of the Packhouse back home. Especially when she would sneak me extras when the guys weren’t looking.

She must read my thoughts. “Come here sweet girl.” She opens her arms and I don’t hesitate, I step right into them, savoring the feeling.

I didn’t realize how much I would miss little things like this being here. Sierra and the guys would hug me, but it’s not the same as what it feels like to get that motherly hug like from Luna Ave, Martha or Lenny. I take a deep breath in and just let the stress of the evening go when I let it out.

“Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. I don’t want to be a burden.” I look up at her, ready to earn my place here.

“Scoot! I will see you in the morning.” Stella smiles and then turns back to Jack, who has a funny look on his face. Maybe confusion or disbelief, but with a touch of humor in his eyes. I’ll have to figure that out later.


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