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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 193

“Should I put something not boring on here?” I tease him.

“Preferably not. I may be 18, but my mom still checks the thing like she thinks I’m a drug dealer.” We both laugh. “Actually, pictures of girls who aren’t my sister, might be helpful though, now that you mention it.”

“I’ll work on that, thanks for this,” I waved the phone. “Not many people seem to be ready to jump in and be helpful.”

“It’s not that they don’t want to. It’s just that you’re new and they don’t know you yet. Not gonna lie, the sh*t Audrina is spreading my make it a little tougher, but I've seen you fight and you seem to be a decent person. They’ll see that too and come around eventually. Your whole situation is crazy, and some people here don’t like change. We’ll get through it.”

“Thanks, Nathaniel. I appreciate it. I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll bring your phone with me so you can have it during the day. I wouldn’t want your mom to get mad at you for not responding.” I tease again.

“NO!” I jump a little at his forcefulness. He’s not one to raise his voice. “Sorry, no. Just no. Drina will have your head if she thinks you brought a phone to training with you tomorrow. And I wouldn’t put it past her to check you for one. I’ll just get it at lunch, or whenever. My mom actually might not mind if she knows I was helping out a pretty girl.” He winks at me, effectively breaking the tension and making me giggle.

“If you’re sure. I’ll leave it in the top drawer on my desk if she separates us for rotations and we aren’t back at the same time. Night Nathaniel, and thanks again.” He waves me off as he closes the door.


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