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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 194

“What’s all this?”

“Stella thought you may need more than just a shake, so she had me pack a few things for after your early morning training that would be fast to eat.” She winks at me and gives me a knowing look. “Just let me know when you run low and I can get you more and put the bottle in with the lunch dishes today and I ‘ll have another ready for you tomorrow, okay?”

“You are seriously a lifesaver!” I take the Shaker bottle and bag, giving her a big smile. “Thank you so much! Please let me know if I can help you all out here, I mean it.” She smiles, but waves me off.

I head out back, ready to meet Audrina.

“You’re late. I know Warrior Brogen told you we do not tolerate lateness here. That’s your second strike and you’ve only been here for a day. And what are you carrying? I didn’t tell you to bring anything.”

“What was my first strike?” I try to keep the b*tchiness out of my voice, but it is very difficult. This girl is going to try and get me kicked out for infractions. She’s got another thing coming if she thinks it’s going to be that easy. “And I came prepared. You didn’t expect me to go through an entire morning of training on an empty stomach did you?”

“You were late yesterday and missed classes. And no one gets into the kitchens early. Did you steal food?” Ah, that was her plan. To have the school report me for skipping.


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