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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 198

“So do I work by myself or pick a group?”

“You work with the people on your floor.” I snap my head to him. “It’s both men and women. This is a large group exercise for when we do larger evacuations. And unfortunately there have been far too many of those in recent history. Yes, the floor leaders are in charge of the exercise.” He answers my unasked question.


I walk over to where Audrina and the rest of our floor is standing waiting to get on the course. In the light of day and not in the middle of running the course I can see different rope ladders and access points to each part of the course. So I can actually come out here and take the time to figure out each course piece, that is when I get the time. I look forward to that.

“Hey Newbie, up here with me.” A very large guy standing next to Wyatt calls over to me.

“Put her in the back where she belongs. Then she can’t hold us up.” Audrina throws over her shoulder at him.

“That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard. First, we don’t put newbies in the back especially when we don’t know all of their skills. Second, this newbie happens to be the most agile person on ropes I have ever seen and should be one of the first people to go. You weren’t at trials, you didn’t see what her skills were at all, be petty and judgy later. We need to complete this course in record time, I’m done losing to Jack and his crew by seconds.” He must be the male lead on our floor for Audrina to not have a snarky response to him informing her I’m good at something.


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