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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 199

“So far Jack’s team and ours are the fastest and both teams go single file and send people every two feet give or take. The rope can hold a significant amount of weight if it is tied properly like this one is.”

“Is the rope tying something we train as well? I would love to learn that?”

“It is, but focus, what are you suggesting?” He gives an amused smirk at my excitement over tying rope.

“That we double up. There’s twenty of us, we could go across in pairs, instead of sending each across one at a time. We’ve all made it to training, so I have to assume everyone here is strong enough and coordinated enough to do that. It will be a huge test of trust for the person piggy backing. It is the most realistic scenario though. If you have a small child who is scared, they are going to be difficult enough to get moving, let alone adding a huge height to the mix.”

“You might be onto something, let me talk to Audrina.”

I grab his arm before he can get away. “Don’t tell her it was my idea, for whatever reason she hates me and will shut it down if she thinks I suggested it.”

He huffs and rolls his eyes. “Sounds about right, no worries.” Then he walks away to give Audrina my plan.

Within five minutes of them talking she shouts, “Gather round, new plan.” Once we are all together she squats in the middle and we huddle around listening to her give us the plan in a hushed voice. “We are going to pair up once we get to the top. We have done this single file plenty of times and it hasn’t made us any faster. Pair off one male one female. This isn’t a men are stronger thing, so don’t complain. The guys are statistically taller than the women and this will work in our favor. Ladies, we are going to ride piggyback and go across in pairs. Since this hasn’t been tested, give just a bit more space between partners to stay safe. Also ladies, work as lookouts, make sure the trainers don’t have any plans to strike at us. We need to knock Jack’s team off their pedestal.”


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