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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 201

As I take another shot to the head I risk moving to look Wyatt in the eye. “Any day now big guy.” He huffed a laugh and started to move again.

“Whoa! This sh*t is slippery.” he shouts in my ear as his foot almost slips off the rope in front of him.

“Don’t try and step, slide your feet like ice skating, same with your hands. Move quickly, they’ve stopped shooting, probably to reload.” I say to the pair behind us as much as to Wyatt.

We finally make it to the platform, but the trainers have reloaded and now we have to make it down among the new wave of paintballs. As Wyatt sets me down I notice more than half our team is still up here.

“What are you guys waiting for, an invitation? Get down the ladder!” I shout at them.

They all jump like coming out of a trance and start to scramble down one at a time. It’s still slow going now that the trainers have targeted the rungs of the ladder making it slick with the oily paint.

We get to the bottom followed by the last pair and then we take off running. I keep up with Wyatt, not really sure where to go, but figure we must be trying to cross some sort of finish line.


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