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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 202

“Who decided to pair up team three?” Warrior Nickolas asks.

“The team leaders of course.” Audrina speaks up. The ‘new toy’ girl was right; she would take credit if it was being praised.

“It was a team collaboration.” Tracker supplies. “A fresh set of eyes and a new perspective allowed us to adjust our game plan and for the most part it did work in our favor. Now we have something new to work through.”

“Spoken like a true leader Tracker. All of you who were hit with paint go shower quickly and clean up, we will make sure you get lunch. The rest of you grab your thing and head on in to eat.” Warrior Osiston says and a chorus of ‘yes, sir’ follows before we all disperse.

“That was awesome!” Lillian runs over to Wyatt and I, laughing. “I think I might have peed my pants if I would have had to climb around from back to front like that, though.”

“What was I supposed to do? Wyatt couldn’t see and the ropes were getting more and more slippery with every shot. I was able to protect his face better too since he needed his hands to get the both of us across. There was no other way that was going to work.”

We got to our things behind the bunkhouse and Wyatt and I headed to the side entrance with the other people who got hit with paint so we didn’t track it through the main level. Lillian told us she would save us a seat and said she wanted details about climbing Wyatt like a tree. I think even with the warrior brand that girl might be boy crazy.

We head up and Wyatt leaves me on my landing saying he’ll meet me at the main stairs in ten minutes. I rush to my room and grab my things to shower quickly. I tried my best, but I took most of the shots to the back of my head and that greasy paint was not coming out in the spit shower I had time for. I can’t wait to go back downstairs and have Audrina give me a hard time for it, but there’s nothing I can do about her attitude towards me and I really need to eat after all of that and we still have afternoon training to do. I take a deep breath ans head towards the stairs as I finish adjusting my shirt.


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