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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 203

“Sorry? Why are you sorry?”

“I didn’t even think about being up in your personal space or if that would even bother you, I’m sorry.”

“Umm, Midge, you saved us from falling, don’t ever be sorry for that. And no one who has looked at you or been around you would ever be mad about you crawling all over them, brand or not.” He winks at me.

“I just didn’t even think about anyone not being comfortable with being that close to someone else. My friends and I back home were just really tight like that. Just tell me if I do something that bothers you, alright?”

“Uh, you helped us win, even with the rest of our team completely distracted and not being helpful at all, we won. You could tell me to wear a dress and I probably would if you could guarantee that we achieve our goal.” Wyatt laughs and we all join in.

“You like to wear dresses huh? Just another piece of information to store away for later.” Lillian wiggles her eyebrows at him.

“Shut up.” He tries looking angrily at her, but it doesn’t last and we all end up laughing at him.

We are wrapping up when a very official looking guy walks into the canteen and everyone goes quiet. The three piece gray suit is very out of place here with everyone in training gear. He looks stern, like he’s on a mission and takes everything way too seriously. I wonder who’s in trouble now.

“I need to speak with Skylar.” He looks around the room, clearly not knowing who he’s looking for. “I have a message from Luna Queen Anne.” He continues to look around.

I stand up slowly and move towards him. What could the Luna Queen have for me? I’ve only been here two days. I make it to him by the door, hoping that he will walk out into the hallway to talk to me. No such luck, figures.


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