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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 211

I grab a plate and start eating. Luna Anne’s note said that a car would be by to pick me up, but no time or other direction was given. It did say I would have breakfast, but I don’t want to impose and I don't know what she’ll have. I don’t want to be rude and scarf down all of her food, warrior training has definitely increased my appetite. Oliver would be proud of me.

My heart clenches a bit thinking about him. I can’t wish away the fight or what was said. I said it and I meant it, but things went so wrong before we could work through anything and come to some kind of understanding. He took his role as my protector so seriously and even furious with my decision to leave he still watched over me and made sure I had what I needed, even from a distance. I have to get a message to them, even if they couldn’t respond I would feel better knowing I, at the very least, tried reaching out and letting them know I’m okay. Maybe Luna Anne can help me get a message to them, or even Xander.

Around seven thirty the same guy in a fancy gray suit came into the common room where I took up residence with a book trying to get some school reading done, since my weekend time was going to be cut short.

“Are you ready Miss Skylar?”

“Yes! Lead the way… umm, I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”

“You can call me Barty, Miss Skylar.”

“Thank you Barty. You don’t have to call me ‘Miss’. I don't have any kind of title.”

“Any friend of the Luna deserves a title, Miss Skylar.” He winks at me as we walk out the door where a very fancy black car sits waiting. It’s not a limo, but not your standard sized car either. I’m sure the Luna Queen, Alpha King and Xander could all ride comfortably in the back.

Barty opens the door for me and I slide into the soft gray leather seats. I could easily take a nap here. Once I am settled and stop gawking at the inside of the car, Barty slides in next to me, his phone up to his ear, letting someone know we are on the way.


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