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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 212

“Hey, don't do that. You are not weak.”

“Are you a mind reader too?”

“It’s my job to anticipate what the Luna Queen needs, which has me interacting with a lot of different people, including warriors. You all have a look when you feel inadequate in some way.” He gives me a look like when Alpha Lucas is trying to get a point across without giving a direct answer. “I have seen warriors come back looking far worse than you from battle. It is just part of the dynamic here.”

I nod and try to change the subject. “How old is the Royal Pack? Some of the buildings look like they grew out of the mountain.”

We spend the next thirty minutes talking about all the different histories of the Royal Pack that Barty knew of. It was really fascinating. Alpha Reggie’s Great Great Grandfather was the first Alpha King of the Royal Pack. Which doesn’t sound like that long ago, but as wolves we age more slowly than humans, so many Kings, who didn’t die in battle, made it to close to a hundred before they even considered retiring. It sounds like they were all well loved and respected Kings too. Meaning Xander has some big shoes to fill.

“So, since you are so well informed. What is my role exactly? Everyone at the warrior camp seems very confused that I would be invited to protect Prince Xander, but I can’t think of any other reason anyone would want me there.”


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