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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 213

Hey Guys!

Sorry I disappeared. This summer has been crazy as I'm sure it is for most parents. I coach 2 sports and both my kids play sports (that I don't coach). Just when I thought I was catching up I caught the worst case of the Rona I have ever had. I have been down with a blinding migraine for a week.

I don't know how many of you have experienced full on sympotoms, but I never had this was rridiculous and mad respect goes out to people who have had this over and over again.

I can actually look at a computer screen now, so give me a couple days to catch up and edit the next chapter. I should have something up by the end of the week.

As Always, Thank you so much for your support and your feedback.


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