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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 215

“So I am your arm candy for the evening then?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood and move on from my attack. “Should I be warned of anyone in particular?”

“There are several, but right now we seem to have a lot of available females that are directly related to the Elders, like daughters, nieces and granddaughters.” He rolls his eyes. “Many of them have no type of rank. And before you yell at me about the rank thing.” He holds his hands up in surrender, “I mean, no title, obviously, but also no other skills, like at all. Many of them seem to have been schooled in how to look good standing by me and that’s all. No training physically, politically, or as a humanitarian. They literally want to stand next to me and pose for photos. Manners are a big thing, and I don’t even want to know what that training looks like. But, they aren’t intelligent enough to hold a conversation. So you are here for several reasons.” He has steered us down another hallway as he explains. “You can obviously protect yourself and me discreetly.” He rolls his eyes like this is unnecessary, but I see the appeal immediately. “You can engage with other Alphas and Lunas present, again setting a good example. You can also defend yourself against the almost certain social attack of these handful of women who have been set upon me. And to top it off you are my friend and will greatly increase my personal evening experience rather than just having any warrior with me.”

Before I can respond though, we stop at a door. “This is my mother’s office, she will be anxious to see you too. Thank you for doing this, I mean it, you are a lifesaver.” He leans down and kisses me on the cheek, then knocks on the door.

Before I can say anything, it opens and I am draped in another cloth filled hug.

“Umph!” I giggle a little into Luna Anne’s arms. “It’s good to see you too.” I mumble awkwardly into her very soft jacket.

“Oh, sweet girl, you have no idea how hard it has been to stay away, but Reggie said it would be worse for you if I came in and showed any type of favoritism toward you. This has been torture and Warrior Brogen and Warrior Nickolas won’t say anything about your training either. I don’t know if that is my husband’s doing to force me to separate or if those boys really do take their warrior code that far.” She’s like a tornado walking around the room, waving her hands and talking. I’ve never seen her this animated and it must show on my face. “Oh, stop looking at me like that, I can be myself here. I don’t have to worry about who’s listening or looking. I don’t have to be poised and dutiful like the Elders believe a ‘good queen’ should.” She used air quotes.

“I’m starting to get the feeling this assignment to Xander is going to be way less fun than I anticipated. Xander mentioned me basically cock-blocking some of the potential chosen mates they have lined up for him. I’m about to be a target aren’t I?”

“You’re not far off.” She chuckles. “Come sit, we’ll eat and I will explain a little before we get the fun stuff started.” She pulls me over to a table laid out with a ton of food. Meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables of every variety were at my fingertips. I could feel my mouth watering at the sight. Well, she at least knew I would be hungry training the way that I did. “How much do you know about the Luna Queen’s role in this whole situation?”

“Not much, really. Like any other Luna, but somehow you have a connection to the Moon Goddess. I don’t think I’ve heard anything else that is unique to being the Luna Queen.”


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