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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 216

“You’re right, I do have a connection to the Moon Goddess.” My eyes went wide.

“Can you just have conversations with her? Or how does that even work? I have so many questions!” I blurted, leaving the bite I was about to take hanging in the air and thinking of all the things I would want to know having that kind of access.

“Hold on , hold on. It’s not that easy.” She giggles at my excitement. “I can talk to her, or rather make requests to talk to her, she’s a bit busy.” Luna Anne winks at me. “But mostly she comes to me with things that I need to know or things that need immediate intervention. She mostly lets us handle ourselves, but occasionally she needs our help. She told me about you actually, it was the reason we chose to visit your pack.”

“Wait, what? What do I have to do with anything?” I was afraid I had done something so bad that I needed to be watched.

“Relax, child, you didn’t do anything wrong, but the people who could help you had their hands tied, and that is all that I am allowed to say about your situation. The Moon Goddess knows you well and has special plans for you. We needed to get you out of your pack before anything else escalated.”


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