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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 217

Chapter 0217

| just shook my head, this was so much information and nothing | expected.

“Well, you confirmed what your Alpha and Luna have suspected for a while. You came out, just this tiny little thing, amongst all of these warriors who have probably trained for longer than you have been alive, and took on everyone and won. No contest, no bias, nothing but you and your instinct to survive. Then you did it again with your wolf, who you got so early. That's when Reg and | knew you were special. He has some theories and wants to see you today before you go, but we are done talking about your amazing Trial run, let's get your armor for the battle that is the Elder’s Conference.”

She claps her hands and Omegas come from all over moving trays and rearranging the room.

Soon the big food is gone, replaced with little snacks and three racks of dresses have been set up with a privacy wall for changing, a full length gilded mirror, that looks like it weighs a ton, and a pedestal just like the one in the dress shop Sierra dragged me to with the guys. With that thought my heart squeezes a bit. | wish | could have said goodbye to them all and hugged them, and just gotten that closure instead of being ripped away unconscious.

“What has that look on your face?” Luna Anne asked.

“Um, this just reminds me of my birthday when Sierra dragged me to a dress shop and forced me into anything and everything while my brother and his friends just waited and watched.” | looked down, it was silly when I said it out loud like that. I’m a warrior, | can't be sentimental, that kind of sh*t was what would get me killed. | shook the thought from my head and looked back at her and she was smiling.

“| thought you may want something familiar and a second opinion."


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