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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 254

Chapter 0254

I can feel Oscar's chest rumbling behind me. Is he laughing?

Elder Bastian switches to safer topics after that. He asks how I like the facilities of the training camp, if I've had a chance to tour the Royal Pack, how I'm balancing school and training, things like that as we take a couple laps around the long and narrow balcony.

Oscar taps my shoulder, "It's time, Prince Alexander is looking for you.” I just nod and take his offered arm.

"It was a very illuminating conversation, Elder Bastian, thank you. I turn Oscar and I around and start walking in, not caring if I get a reply from this slimy as*hole.

We make our way inside and Xander is trying to extricate himself from blondie without making a scene, but after the conversation with, who I can only assume was her father, I’m having none of it. I let go of Oscar and walked straight to her, getting so close that if I was taller our eyelashes could braid together.

"I’m going to need you to stop making a fool of yourself.

You had your opportunity with the Alpha Prince, he is not interested, move along and move on." I let a little of my Beta and I guess Alpha aura out to make sure she knows I’m not kidding. I've never had a reason to use it before, but the sensation is amazing and terrifying all at once. I can see how the power could go to someone's head.

Her eyes go wide and she slowly backs away. Smart girl.

"When you become a Luna, remind me not to piss you off, like ever.” Oscar says from behind me and I turn around confused.

"What are you talking about, I’m no Luna.” I just stare at him as Xander takes his place by my side wrapping his arm around my waist where it has been all night.


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