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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 259

Chapter 0259

" It’s official, Xander, I’m sorry, but I’m going to need to leave early every morning and train with your girl here, otherwise I’m going to get my a*s beat.” We are all laughing as we head in the doors not really paying attention to our surroundings.

" Prince Alexander!” A shrill voice basically shouts.”"Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere this morning, you left so abruptly.” A brunette is talking and a blonde is following close behind. I know she means that we left early last night, but her word choice could make people believe that Xander spent the night with her or both of them. I have to hand it to her, she knows what she’s doing.

" Skylar and I decided to go for a run this morning after we got up, you know, keeping up training and all, no matter what frivolous things we have to do. Not all of us can sleep in for those extra beauty hours.” Okay, so Xander has some game too.

I just step back closer to Oscar to let Xander handle these clowns, I'm not in the mood, it’s too early for these catty b* tches.

" Well maybe we can sit together at breakfast this morning since you're all done entertaining and have the freedom to sit with people closer in rank to yourself."

Why do these tramps keep insinuating that I am lower than they are? If they have no rank at all then I outrank them in general. I can feel my temper rising to the surface. I take a deep breath before speaking, I will not let this girl rile me up, she isn't worth it. I don't know what came over me, but I stepped forward and took Xandar's arm.

" Actually, Xander, we should go shower and change. I know your mother was expecting us down right at eight for breakfast. At this rate with all of the chit chat we will probably only have time for one shower.” I grab his arm tighter and wink at the brunette and drag Xander away willingly, Oscar trying and failing to hold in his laughter as we make our way to the elevator.

" Yep, Luna Midge, I will never piss you off as long as I am alive.” Oscar is openly laughing as the elevator is closing on us. Xander still hasn't said anything.


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