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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 260

Chapter 0260

" You are really going to have to give up this girl’s name sometime, Midge. The more I learn about what you went through, the more I want to rip her hair out one strand at a time.” Xander growls into my hair before he takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly"

How is it possible that you aren't my mate, but your scent has the ability to calm me down almost as well as Oscar's?"

" That's a random change of subject.” I observe, still in his embrace, face buried in his chest. He doesn't seem keen on letting me go anytime soon.

" It's true though, I noticed it last night too.” Oscar adds in"

When Bastian decided he could be a d*ck when Xander left.

I was so close to you, your scent kept me level headed, but you aren't our mate are you?” I shake my head no.

" Maybe that’s your ability, the special blood thing that you get from being the first born female in our bloodline."

Xander observes"

I'll have to ask dad, I didn't even register that’s what was happening until now, but the fact that it works on Oscar too, it has to be something. Only a mate's scent is supposed to have that effect."

The elevator door dings as we reach our floor.

" I know this is going to sound weird as hell, but Midge, go grab some clothes, you're going to get ready in our room this morning."


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