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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 261

As the soap sluices down my body I graze my hands over my n*pples which are hard peaks at the thought of my guys. I slowly travel further down my stomach, my heart rate increasing the lower my hand travels. I settled on Dakotas face, the playful look in his blue eyes, His thick dark hair tousled from me running my hands through it. His god-like muscles on full display for me. He reaches between my legs and finds the nub at my apex waiting and ready to detonate for him. Then Cameron’s emerald green eyes come into my vision. They are both leaning into me one in front one behind like that day when they told me when they kissed me it wouldn’t be in the hallway.

I rub slow circles living through my fantasy. It doesn’t take much effort for blinding white lights to sear the backs of my eyelids as I come so hard on my own hand. I continue to rub until my core has stopped pulsing. I am panting and gripping at the tiles of the shower. I have no idea how long I have been in here, but I hurry to get out and change, just in case it was longer than necessary.

I guess I didn’t need to be in a hurry, since it was a full thirty minutes late that Xander and Oscar came to retrieve me.

“I’m sorry, okay, I can’t help myself. You will understand when you find your mate. You won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself.” Oscar is pleading with me, even though I haven’t said a thing. I may be a little flush in the cheeks and laughed at him looking completely out of sorts when they came to get me, but I left the topic alone. What they do as mates is what they do, it’s none of my business.

“Just remind me when I do find my mate to call you for advice on technique.” I say to get him to stop yammering at me. I meant it to be a joke, but Xander’s head snapped to me and Oscar got the biggest grin behind his back. Oscar and I are going to be lifelong buddies, I can feel it.


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