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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 263

“Every warrior keeps stats, there’s no way you didn’t count if you're as good as everyone says.” She puts her hand on her hip, letting me know that my answer wasn’t good enough, but there’s still no animosity in her tone, just logic.

“You’re right, I normally do, I’m actually really competitive, but I also went into trials this year under the impression that it was just an assessment for my trainers to see me with warriors from outside packs and for me to learn. I’m only fifteen, we had to get special permission just for that. Alpha Reggie allowed it because it was hosted at my pack, otherwise I don’t think I would have even been able to participate this year. So my focus was more on watching the people around me in battle scenarios.”

“What were your takeaways then?” Her eyes light up when she asks.

“Were you there? I feel like I would remember you even if you fought in your wolf form only.”

Something about this girl draws me in, kindred spirit maybe. I vaguely hear someone say, ‘we lost her.’ And a response of ‘we lost them both.’ But I couldn’t be bothered, another warrior who might have been at trials like Wyatt and Lillian, makes me feel closer to home somehow, that connection still alive even with everything that has happened since then.

“No, not this year, but next, I’ll be eighteen soon and there’s enough time between my birthday and the next trails for me to look for my mate and if he’s not here, then Dad says I can participate.”

“That’s so exciting. Either way you have something to look forward to.”

“So, if you’re only fifteen, why are you in Elite training? How did you manage that?”

I try not to let the darkness that passes through my mind at what Kaley and her cronies did to me show on my face, I take a deep breath and give a half truth. “Alpha Reggie, Warrior Osiston and Warrior Nathaniel decided that since I was ahead in school, that it would be okay for me to come and do a modified training and education schedule here. It was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse.” I left out the part about not being able to refuse because I was beaten unconscious, that would open up the floodgate of questions I’m not ready to answer for any of these people.


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