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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 265

The training ground was further than the lake we stopped at this morning, but I could still see it and the water fall clearly. The space was wide open with clearly defined sparring circles marked in the dirt and the grass. The dirt patches were dry and full of rocks and pebbles which would suck to get taken down on, but I guess in a real fight there won’t be padding and pillows to catch our falls. Beyond the sparring circles were more of the ropes and climbing courses like what we have at the compound, although the ropes seem to be placed closer together here probably making the training easier here. There are a few more cargo nets and platforms built into trees. I like the idea that they are using the surrounding area for naturally occurring things to train with. It makes the training more realistic for sure.

Mina wastes no time finding a sparring circle in the grass. “Alright, you said you wanted to work on your ground work, let’s see what you’ve got.”

“We aren’t going to warm up first?” I ask stalling a little at her abrupt stance.

“Nah. We aren’t really going to go that hard and let’s be honest if we ever do fight our enemies won’t wait for us to be properly warmed up to kick their asses, they will just attack.” Okay, she’s not wrong.

I move to the circle and watch her closely. She moves like a cat, lithe and deliberate. She’s studying me as much as I am studying her. When she finally realizes I will not make the first move she lunges right at my torso. This is the obvious choice since I mentioned ground work, she wants to take me down right away since I identified it as a weakness. I hold my ground for as long as I can. She is taller than me, like most people, but I think I have more weight than she does. She’s built lean like a runner, long graceful muscles that you don’t really see on a warrior very often.


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