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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 271

My temper flares and I may have to pretend later that my wolf’s rage took over and I had no control over my words or my actions. “Excuse you, are you f*cking kidding me? I was there, unlike you, I fought several of them. You can attempt to dismiss me all you want, but your delusions do not change the fact that my experience in this situation outweighs yours.” I turn toward Alpha Beau. “You are right, they were working together. In a way that suggests they train together, no different than any of our warriors. Three attacked while two hung back to observe. The second two engaged when Oscar, Mina and I were all injured in some way and separated. They knew what they were doing. I know I am not a full warrior yet, so I probably won’t get to hear these answers, but they need to be asked anyway. How did they get within a ten minute drive of the castle? I’m sure that you have people working on that, but there is no way five of them got past that many border patrols undetected unless they had some way to mask their scent and hide their trails.” I looked to Alpha Reggie, hoping he could read my mind. It’s the same as the attack on my pack, no scent, no trail to follow, the only difference is we actually got to fight someone this time and I don’t think the rogues were expecting us. “Are there evacuation plans? Based on reactions and observations, this is not the first time any of you have seen something like this.” I look at each Alpha, they all seem to be trying to hide the shame at being called out. We are all being attacked, but why?

“You’re right,” Alpha Emanuel speaks directly to me for the first time. “You won’t be hearing any of these answers, child. Now that you have given your account you may leave and let us strategize.”

I roll my eyes and look at Alpha Reggie. I’m sure he can see the murder in my eyes, but if he wants me to go so these idiots will actually get something done, I will. It’s about the greater good and benefit of the pack members, not my ego. This jacka*s will get his and I hope I at least get a few good hits in before that happens.

Alpha Reggie nods his head, understanding surging from his eyes. At least he gets that I just want to help. “Skylar, just a few more questions. Did you scent anyone before the attack?”

“No Sir, and I was downwind. I was the first to be attacked so I should have had some level of warning.” He knows of my strong and kind of unique sense of smell. That is one thing that has been bothering me all day too. I didn’t scent them at all.


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