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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 272

“So are we any closer to finding answers? It doesn’t seem like anyone knows anything right now.” Elder Bastian speaks up. “As much as you praise this girl’s abilities, she has yet to give us anything.”

And I’m back to seething.

“She actually gave us plenty, but only if you were paying attention. Her pack was attacked in a similar way and with no scent trails leading in or out. The difference being the rogues did what they needed to do and got out, they didn’t engage. The question still remains, were they supposed to engage here or were they taken by surprise? The possibility of them trying to get closer to the castle is high, but we don’t know the intended target. She also gave us a prisoner, which I will remind you, no one else accomplished. The second rogue we captured bled out before we got him to the hospital. Doc Gannon and Doc Sylvia said we can interrogate in about an hour.”

I nod my head with the rest of the ‘friendly’ Alphas and Elders. The ones who are far too focused on me and my presence just sit there looking like stubborn, petulant children.

Alpha Reggie turns to me. He doesn’t whisper, but the conversation is clearly between the two of us, just not private. “Skylar, I’m not ready to allow you to have the warrior brand yet. Don’t look at me like that, you are still too young. But, I do want you to be able to communicate with any of the warriors or us in an emergency. So I am going to make you an honorary pack member. This way you won’t lose your connection to your own pack, but can communicate with members of the Royal pack.”

I nod, it’s better than nothing. I feel like it's a good compromise in front of the guys here who just think I should go home and let the boys do the work.

Alpha Reggie stands and Warrior Osiston moves behind me and places his hands on my shoulders, like I’m going to try and run away.

“Give me your right hand.” Alpha Reggie instructs. “Do you pledge your loyalty to the Royal Pack?”


“Do you pledge to fight for the safety and rights of Royal Pack members while you are here?”



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