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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 274

Before we get any further in the conversation, there’s a knock at the door. I just shout for them to come in and Xander, Oscar and Mina all look at me like I have lost my mind.

“What? No one gets on this floor, I know food is coming for us. We should take bets as to who is delivering. I think it’s Barty and he has probably been with our food for the whole preparation and delivery.” I roll my eyes as I get up and head to the door, because whoever is on the other side must think along the same lines as the rest of my friends since no one came in.

I don’t wait for a response as I slowly open the door. “Oh, Barty, what a surprise to see you delivering our food!” I say loud and mockingly, giving him a wink so he knows the sarcasm is not directed at him in any way, he just got caught in the crossfire.

“Hey, settle down. At this point we only know there is a threat, and it’s close. No one has a clue who or why right now so everyone is a suspect.” Mina chides me with a smile. I stick my tongue out at her in response.

“So what do we know?” I ask as Barty closes the door and wheels the tray over to the sitting area. “This attack doesn’t seem like a surprise to you or your dad Xander, but the rest of the Alphas had their panties in a wad. You dad also mentioned hypotheticals when you guys were at Blue Crescent. This isn’t the first attack is it?”

I don’t even hide my curiosity and Mina jumps on the question wagon with me. We talk into the night and don’t even notice how much time has passed until Osiston comes into my room unannounced telling the guys to head to Xnader’s room and Mina and I to stay in mine. It doesn’t escape my notice that we are being kept in pairs.

“It’s one in the morning, you all need your sleep after the events of today. Mina, you will be traveling with Skylar to the Warrior camp, rooming and sharing a schedule since you are both still attending school. We will leave right after breakfast, 8am sharp, do not be late, any of you. Mina, things are being packed for you and your training gear will be provided. None of you are to travel alone, anywhere, including the bathroom, showers, everything. We don’t know the nature of the attack or the reason behind it. All of you are important people so any of you could have been the target.”


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