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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 275

He isn’t angry, but the tone in his voice has even Xander moving more quickly. I get Mina a pair of the silky soft pajamas Luna Anne gave me and we both settle side by side in my bed. It makes me think of my time with Sierra and a pang of guilt washes through me. I haven’t even seen her since the last time I was in school. She’s my best friend and I have barely thought about her in the last couple days. I have so much to tell her and so much I have to keep quiet. I’ve never had a friend like that before and I feel terrible at just the thought of keeping something from her.

“What? Your whole face kind of went soft and pouty.” Mina asks, her voice softer than I’ve heard it at all today.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about my best friend. I tell her everything, like everything everything, and I have to keep so much from her. I feel bad since I only get to see her at school and we don’t have any classes together here, so lunch is the only time we can talk at all.”

“How do you already have a best friend here? Didn’t you just get here?”

“Yeah, I did, but Sierra came to my pack to stay with her aunt and uncle last year and we got close. She came back home and then I was brought to the Elite training, but it has been hard.”


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