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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 277

Warrior Nickolas walks out a few minutes later, just nods his head to follow, turns and walks back down the hall he came from. We enter a meeting room with a large oval table in the center and at least a dozen chairs surrounding it. There isn’t much for decoration, but there is a screen on one far wall and a projector that hangs from the ceiling. Other walls are covered in large bulletin boards and white boards. This must be a strategy room for bigger missions.

“Sit, please.” I look up and Alpha Reggie is sitting at the end of the table furthest from the door. “We have several things to discuss and I am on a time limit.”

We both nod and sit opposite Warriors Nickolas and Osiston. Alpha Reggie usually isn’t this curt with me so something must be really wrong.

“You both have excelled far better than we could have expected out of such young wolves, but as it is you are now being considered for a future mission.”

My ears perk up and I sit a little straighter at this revelation. I didn’t expect to go on any kind of mission until I was at least eighteen.

Alpha Reggie takes a deep breath before he continues. It feels like he is being forced to say whatever is about to come out of his mouth.

“This mission is recon only,” Another deep breath, “But you both fit a demographic that will allow you to get closer and possibly gain information that my warriors have yet to obtain.” He looks at the warriors across from me with irritation oozing off of him. Neither of them shift or acknowledge the barb. “With the more frequent and bold attacks, we can now assume that the royal family is the target. Trying to weaken our defenses by having our warriors continually injured or over tired from fighting. Setting the rest of our pack and surrounding packs against us by making it appear like we can not do something as simple as protect our borders. I think the hope is to wear us down for a less defended final attack.”


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