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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 276

[October/November - 5 months later]

“Again!” I shout picking my sorry ass up off the ground. Mina and Lillian both come at me with pure hatred in their eyes. We’ve been at this for hours, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get through the two of them.

We have progressed through training to the point where we are each given secret instructions by a leader and we have to follow through with our objective while also trying to figure out and stop our opponent, or in my case opponents, from completing their task. I moved onto multiple opponents a few weeks ago when I was able to subdue Warrior Nickolas and complete my task.

I’m not the only one, but I was the first. Ever since the attack at the beginning of the summer I have been more focused on training. I never want to be the weak link again. I could have died because I wasn’t paying attention just hanging out with my friends.

Lil and Mina won’t let me just hole up in my room or the study room when we aren’t training, much to my annoyance at first. It was so bad at one point that they got permission to bring Sierra to the compound to ‘talk’ me out of acting stupid. I say talk loosely, because she dragged me outside and proceeded to kick my ass until I pulled my head out and started fighting back. Then she brought the other girls in and it was three on one. We spared until we were all on the ground laughing and Sierra reminded me that I needed this too. I need friends and to relax so when I do fight my head is fresh and clear.

“Seriously?! I don’t think I have a body part that doesn’t hurt right now.” Lil whines at me. “You do realize that training ended an hour ago right?”


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