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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 295

Chapter 0295

For only two people, this seems like a ton of stuff. What the hell goes on in this branding ceremony? There are five bags, but to be honest a couple smell like they could be her clothes, and four plastic totes of stuff that are not light, even with our strength.

“Perfect!” We both jump. Where in the hell did she come from and how did we not hear her? “Not to worry, I use a silencing spell. You will never hear me coming.” She basically reads my mind.

I look over at her and she winks, tapping her nose. Did she just confirm my thoughts? Now I have to be careful what I let fly through my thoughts and that isn't always easy.

“Let’s begin setting up. I think you girls have waited long enough. I'm here now and no one else can delay this process. It is meant to be and must happen now, before time runs out."

Well that was cryptic. Mina says over the mind link.

Might as well talk out loud, I think she can read our minds or hear our thoughts. Whatever it is, there is probably no way to keep secrets from her. I responded.

“You are a smart one.” She looks at me. “You both are and you both are very important. I have spoken to Nickolas and we will begin shortly. He is not a part of the ceremony, but he will be standing guard. Both of you will be vulnerable for a few hours while the spell works. This takes time even without all of the fluff your elders seem to think necessary."

We both just nod and wait anxiously for directions.


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