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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 296

Chapter 0296
She begins humming and then chanting under her breath. It's a language I don't understand, but the flame in the pit goes from a warm yellow orange to a deep green.
"Tonight, we initiate these two into our Elite Warrior brotherhood and sisterhood. To mark their devotion, we shall bestow upon them the symbol of the Royal Elite." She begins humming again and the flames change to blue. As she continues to hum she places a long metal pole into the fire, this must be the branding iron.
"Are you willing to pledge your loyalty and power to the Elite Warriors, regardless of the consequences?" She asks.
We both respond without hesitation. "Yes."
"Are you willing to put the Kingdom's needs above your own and do all in your power to protect Its vast members?'
'Yes." We reply no breaking eye contact with each other.
The air in the room begins to thicken with the smoke from the candles and the fire pit, but also the tingling of whatever magic she is wielding.
"Will you uphold the integrity of the Alpha King and Luna Queen? "Yes."

"Will you lay your life on the line to protect those who are weaker than you?"
The flames turn purple this time.
"You are being granted a great honor and hold the power to help the Royal Pack grow and thrive. Do you swear, on your life, to uphold that honor while you wear your brand?'
"Kneel then raise your right arm, inside of your wrist up." We both follow her instructions.
She kneels between us and grabs the handle of the brand and lifts it from the purple flame. She moves to Mina first, chanting low under her breath, gently holding the back of Mina's hand and pressing the branding iron to the inside of her wrist. can hear the skin sizzle and see the smoke lift from her skin.

Other than a sharp intake of breath, Mina doesn't move or say anything. Her arm is visibly shaking from the pain, I'm sure, she feels and tears run from her eyes, but she doesnt move to wipe them away.

The branding iron is pulled away and placed back into the fire pit, turning the flames a bright white. The witch reaches for vials of herbs sitting next to her and she begins chanting again, in more of a melody while she sprinkles little bits of things on Mina's burnt flesh.

Mina's tears subside, by the time the witch is done with her and she just stares at me, but it feels more like she's not seeing me. She's lost in her mind somewhere and it takes everything that have to not go to her and comfort her after all of that.

I take a deep breath and look at the witch who seems to just be waiting for me to go through my own panic and be ready for her. I blink and nod. She grabs the branding iron from the still white flames and begins chanting and repeating the ceremony she just completed with Mina.

This time the searing pain and the smell of burning flesh pull me into my memory, but I am still conscious enough to keep my body still, but the struggle is real. I hear her soothing voice chanting next to me, but I also hear a voice in my head that isn't my wolf.

You are very strong and important. Remember that Little One. All of those you come into contact with and help will benefit, but be wary of those who seek you out for favors. You still have trials in your future that must be navigated through. Keep pushing forward, you are stronger than


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