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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 344

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “‘Is’ would be correct. She chose differently and rejected me, but not without making sure that I felt the pain of her being with someone else.”

“Oh sh*t! That’s awful. Why would she do that?”

“Because the person she chose decided that I needed to be put in my place. He was the Beta of my pack before it was attacked. I was an Omega training to be a warrior, but to him my rank made me unworthy and she believed him. He was just as power hungry as the Elders, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with our pack getting attacked. Anyway, she chose him and rejected me, but I wasn’t allowed to accept it. I had the pain of the rejection and then the pain of feeling them being together, Every. Single. Time. I can still feel it, so I know she’s still alive. So like you figured out I do not have a high opinion of fated mates,neither do Mike or Robbie. Their stories are different from mine, but we aren’t fans. I don’t have anything against the Moon Goddess making us stronger through our mates, but I do have a problem with mates still having the choice to reject without any good reason. She wanted to hurt me and even if you don’t love your mate you shouldn’t have the desire to harm them on purpose.”

Our food comes which gives us a break from the deep discussion. Neither of us really look up from our food, but don’t eat with the same gusto as the first time we were here together.

“Tyler, I’m sorry she did that to you.” I set my fork down and look right at him. “She doesn’t deserve you if she couldn’t see the kind of guy you are and appreciate it.” I can at least understand him a bit better. I don't know what I would do if my mate rejected me.

“Maybe she was right. Maybe she knew me better than I knew myself. She knew what kind of person I would become.”


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