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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 350

“Thank you. This has been an experience, I appreciate everything that you both have taught me so far.”

“Don’t act like we are saying goodbye, Midge. We have no idea what we will find tomorrow. We could bring down a whole operation, hopefully. Or we could just be scratching the surface and take in a bunch of brainwashed minions who have no real connection to their leader. No Thanks or Goodbyes yet.”

I smile as I make it up to my room with my bottle of water. I change into my pajamas and grab a blanket and pillow and walk to Mina’s room and knock.

“Yeah?” The muffled question comes out like a whisper.

“Can I stay with you tonight? It doesn’t feel right to be separate right before something this big.”

“Of course!” She sits up straight, then pops out of bed to run over to me and wrap me in a hug. I returned it. I have missed her. Her and Sierra have been my rocks the last year, helping me navigate the wide world around me after being in my own personal hell bubble. I needed the time I spent away from her, but now I know I need her. I need the people I trust most around me for this. It is calming and grounding to have something like this connection with them. It reminds me what is real.


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