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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 349

“I’m sorry, I wish I could help you somehow.” We stopped running about an hour in and are just walking around campus now.

“But you can’t. You are destined for more than me.” I roll my eyes at him,

“You keep saying that, but you don’t have any real proof of that do you?”

“You are smart enough to be here at, well 16 now. You put up with me and all of these other guys like we are nothing more than regular guys…”

“You are just regular guys to me. Guys I get, girls are harder for me to understand. I like being outside, I like training and running. All the girl stuff is foreign to me. I’ve just been lucky enough to have some female friends who get me and decided to be friends with me anyway.”

“I should get you home, don’t want to keep you out all night, your uncle will probably kill me.”

“My uncle is not the person you should worry about, or did you forget when I tried to punch you so hard your head would fall off?”

“That is something I will never forget. And yes, you scare me a bit too.”


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