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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 352

“Yes and no, but more no. He just seemed distracted and like something else had his full attention.”

“Someone and something both have his full attention. So you aren’t wrong.” That glimmer of irritation flashes in his eyes again, but he schools it quickly before turning fully to me. “You ready, I had a long night, but I couldn’t sleep. I just need to move.”

“Yeah. I’ll bring you something from the diner Mina. See you in a couple hours.”

“Bye, Thanks.” She heads back inside and latches the door before we even take off.

As we jog I am trying to figure out what to say to Tyler. I mean the more information I can get before tonight, the better, but I also don’t want him to shut down on me or shut me out and he seems to be on the verge of that all the time right now.

“Do you want to talk about why you have been so different around me lately? Don’t act like you haven’t.” I say as his eyebrows shoot up and his mouth opens with, I’m sure, a denial about to fall out of his mouth.

“I told you it’s complicated.”

“What about the Luna thing? No one knows who the next Luna will be, until an Alpha finds his or her mate. But, you seem very sure that I will be one and sooner rather than later. I don’t understand.”

“It’s complicated, but you have to notice that you have gained a lot of attention and not just from me.” I roll my eyes.

“I have not had any more than Mina or any of the other girls that run with us. So if you are going to sidestep that question, how about this one? What do you and your friends get up to in the woods? Are you smuggling drugs or something?”


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