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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 353

We do a full body workout, torturing every single muscle, so I know I am going to be sore later on our run, but I couldn’t help it. I’m back at being controlled, being someone else’s property to do with as they please. My father all but said he only thought of me as a baby machine to produce another strong Beta line and he didn’t care about my mate either. If he thought he could match me with someone better he would sell me like a piece of furniture in a heartbeat.

We made it to the diner and at this point the waitress knows our orders and just comes by with drinks and to tell us our food will be out in a bit. There aren’t as many people here today as usual on a Thursday morning. I made a mental note to tell Osiston and Nickolas about it.

Tyler and I were back to small talk about classes and our summer plans. I honestly didn’t know what I was doing for the summer. I thought about sticking around to take a few classes so I could graduate early and he laughed at me.

“You don’t know how to relax do you?” He is openly and loudly laughing at me now.

“What do you mean? I relax all the time.” I try to sound annoyed at him, but it doesn’t quite hit the way I intended.

“Studying and working out aren’t relaxing.” He’s still laughing.

“Maybe not for you, but it makes me feel good to have something to work towards.” I shrug. “And then once I decide to do something I see no reason to take forever to achieve my goal. Why take four years to accomplish something when I could easily do it in two and a half or three?”


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