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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 376

Just as I step forward a hand reaches out to grab me and I instinctively take a swing.

“F*ck! I guess I deserved that, but seriously that f*cking hurt.” Robbie is holding his ear. He reaches out for me again as I move to step around him. “Don’t step in the circle. It’s the witch’s wheel. That totem is what is keeping us hidden and our scent blocked. Once you step through it you become a part of the spell. It is energized by each person that crosses into it and it’s permanently binding.” He gives me a pained look.

That’s what the girl meant by taking out as many people as I could on my way out of here. It weakens the spell Mike has going. I just nod.

“Let’s get you out of here.” Robbie turns and Jena grabs my arm.

“He’s one of them.” She hisses. “Why are you trusting him?”

Really I have no idea, but the girl said trust my instincts and I don’t think Robbie wants to hurt me. I don’t think he ever wanted to hurt me, he didn’t want me involved. That's why he was always irritated when Mina and I were around.

“I just do, let’s go. I’ll explain when we are out of this hellhole.” She stays close to me, but I can feel her tension spike. She’s looking for the trap she thinks he’s set and I probably should too.

We move around the dark circular room, into another hallway that is definitely not used based on the smell of decaying rodents. I’m very glad for my wolf senses so I can see without the help of any light and I hate them based on the smell that is giving me a stomach ache. I can feel and smell us going higher and higher. The incline of the narrow passage is getting steeper, but it is so tight that I can put a hand out and use the walls on either side of me to help propel me forward. The air is getting thinner and cleaner. I can smell the fresh spring air as we get closer to the surface. I have no idea how long we have been walking, my sense of time has been badly skewed. Something about not having a window or a clock will do that to a person.


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