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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 377

“Is that why you were being weird the day you all captured me? You were trying to piss him off?”

“Not really, but it was a bonus. I didn't know he gave Tyler the hands-off order, but he failed to give it to everyone. I just wanted to see how far I could push Tyler and if I could get him to admit that he still wanted you.”

“How much time?” Jena asks gruffly from next to me, breaking our tense conversation.

“The last pass for the next thirty minutes should be going by any second now.”

As he finishes the sentence we see two patrol wolves run by. Faster than a jog, but not like they were in a hurry to get somewhere.

“As soon as they clear that bank of trees we can go. I will take you as far as I can. I am still bound to this place and to my command. There is only so much work around I can find. Go!” He whispers to us and takes off.

We are running as fast as our weakened muscles will take us. Jena was locked up for over a year, I have no idea how long I was in there but it can’t have been more than a week or two. My body hurts and my muscles are screaming, but I keep looking back to make sure Jena is right behind me. I will carry her if I have to. She deserves to be free.


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