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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 381

“Have you talked to your wolf? How is she?” I ask as we warm ourselves by the fire.

“I haven’t talked to her yet. She’s there, I can feel her, but she’s still locked away somewhere. How did yours come back so quickly?”

It didn’t even cross my mind that it was a fast return for my wolf and the only thing she suggested was that Jena had more time with the poisons and other sedatives in her system than I did. Which I told Jena, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with my weird abilities. The same way my body encapsulated the silver in my scars. I don’t mention that part though, because I can’t explain it.

Through the night, Jena tries to sleep and I think she gets small pockets of real sleep right before she is torn from her dreams, or based on the screaming, her nightmares. But she always manages to scream for me and reach out for me, which means in her subconscious she trusts me even though we haven’t been around each other for that long. I take a small comfort in that, but I can’t bring myself to sleep. She needs me and I won’t feel safe until I see my team here, then I can rest.

The darkness settles around our cave and the cool night air chills me to the bone. Jena is curled up next to me sharing body heat. I managed to get a small fire going, but the area is still so wet, it was hard to find things that would burn properly without causing a ton of smoke first.

The noises of the spring night are loud and boisterous. Everything sounds alive and happy coming out for the summer weather that should be visiting us soon. This is a sound that I will forever associate with freedom. I take a deep breath in, filling my lungs with the fresh scent of the growing forest around me, the water streaming below and a calmness washes over me. We are safe.

Silence. That’s all I hear in a split second between breaths. All the buzzing, chirping, rustling just stops. There’s a predator near. The hair on the back of my neck and arms rise, my wolf on full alert.

To my left, I hear a footstep press into the soft earth. It’s coming from the path we walked up here. Someone is following our scent, but they are downwind so I can’t tell if it’s my team or one of Mike’s minions.


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