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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 382

The rest of the team sidled into the cave with us. I had to wake Jena up, even with all of the commotion of my reunion with my friends. She was very lethargic and weak even after sleeping across my back for most of the day.

She cowered behind me as I suspected she would. So Osiston and Alpha Reggie had to talk to her over my shoulder as she clung to my back. They asked some basic questions, seeing how tired and roughed up she was.

Osiston brought Doc Sylvia right to her when she started to wobble and her legs gave out right behind me. Without my training I never would have caught her. Sylvia kicked everyone but me out. They left food and water behind for us and Osiston stood watch outside the door while the rest ran a patrol around our camp. Alpha Reggie hauled the medical supplies that Sylvia continued to ask for as she examined Jena.

“Wh..what are you doing to me?” Jena’s voice wobbled and for the first time ever I heard Doc Sylvia use a slow calm tone with her. Not her usual bubbly ‘research is so exciting‘ voice.

“I am going to do a superficial check on you here, just to make sure that it is safe to keep moving you. You were with those monsters so long and they kept you pretty sedated, you never know what else they might have put in you. I’ve seen trackers in so many forms and since you aren’t marked or a part of their pack they, most likely, would want a way to keep track of you if you escaped.”

Jena whimpers. I didn’t even think of that. And I didn’t miss the flinch when Sylvia said ‘put in you.’ That is something we are going to have to tell her, but not here with so many ears. Osiston and Alpha Reggie need to know, but not everyone else, she should be able to choose who she tells that story to.


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