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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 383

I move closer, facing Jena with my back to Doc Sylvia. It takes no time to find mine. It’s right at the base of my skull, just inside the hairline. So unless you’re someone who plays with your hair a lot you would never notice the tiny scar and bump under the skin. I mean for me, it could be mistaken as part of the scarring that Kaley gave me.

“Is there a way to remove it here, without bringing it back to the training compound or the castle? I don’t want to lead his army there before we’ve been able to come up with a plan.” I ask, feeling the little knot. Now that I know it’s there, I can’t stop touching it wondering if it’s just a tracker. Could it be a listening device or mind control or worse? Mike is smart, but is he that smart? Does he have those kind of people around him, helping him?

“Possibly, these are not ideal conditions, but I agree we shouldn’t move from here until we remove them. Sky I know you better and I know how you heal. Let’s do yours first since I am more familiar with your anatomy and vitals.” I also caught what she didn’t say. Let Jena see that we aren’t going to hurt her, that we are truly here to help.

She has Alpha Reggie and Osiston help her set up a makeshift operation room while Jena and I sit near the fire. She is crying again, leaning into my shoulder. I just hold her tight to my side. She is so brave and has suffered so much. We aren’t that different and I hope that is something that she will see and learn to trust me and the team fully.

“When will this ever stop? I just want to live my life free. I don’t even care if I have to go to another pack as an omega cleaning toilets. Anything would be better than this right now.”

“We’ll figure this out and as for where you’ll go you could probably join Mina and I at warrior training or you could join Alpha Reggie’s pack or even my pack. You're not alone anymore okay?” She just nods into my shoulder, staring into the fire.

“Alright Sky, let’s see what we can do about that unwanted addition.” Doc Sylvia says behind me.


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