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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 385

Doc Sylvia tears open a small white packet that has several medical instruments in it. She set the items down on a metal tray propped on two more stacked storage bins. She already has her gloves in Jena’s hair, pulling the majority of it up into a clip. The small section that remains surrounds the spot where I assume the tracker is. She pulls individual hairs out of the way to make the spot as available as possible.

Watching her work this meticulously is fascinating. I can imagine her dissecting small plants and animals to gather cells for testing. She is so lazer focused on what she is doing, I bet an explosion could go off outside and she wouldn’t hear it.

Once the hair has been expertly placed, she picks up a small knife, maybe a scalpel, but I don’t know medical equipment very well. She pokes the sharp tip a couple of times, like she is feeling around for the best place to cut and I can see the little node under the skin move with each prod. Then she glides the blade gently across Jena’s skin for about two inches. It doesn’t even look like she put pressure on it until it started to bleed. With quick and precise movements, Doc Sylvia contains the blood flow with one hand, switches the knife for tweezers and starts to work under the cut, angling towards the top of Jena’s head to find the little device.

She does some quick tiny brushing movements and a metallic tube about a half inch long slips out onto the gauze that she’s holding to catch the dripping blood.

“It’s so weird to think that little thing could cause us so many problems.” I didn’t mean to say it out loud, but tech like that impresses me. I don’t know the first thing about the tech side of things, but it’s still impressive.

“You’re right, and like I said, it’s not very big so I don’t think the signal is that strong, but let’s let William and his crew figure that part out.” She drops the metal pill into a glass container on the workstation and moves to close up Jena’s wound.

Once Jena is cleaned and stitched up. Doc Sylvia puts a lid on the container with her tracker then moves to clean up her work station. Her movements are methodical and kind of hypnotizing. I did notice that not everything went into a trash bag though. Anything that had blood on it was bagged and labeled. I wonder if she is going to use it to test something. What am I thinking, of course she is. Before we move back over to the fire I quickly look from Jena to the doc a couple times trying to make the best choice for everyone, even if it makes Jena angry with me for a bit.


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