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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 390

“We will help you search, but we need to make sure that you are up to the task both physically and mentally.” Osiston answers.

She nods again. “What does that mean exactly?”

“Well you were both held captive for an extensive amount of time so you will both be evaluated by our psychologists and have regular meetings with them and we will do a full physical evaluation on both of you. We want you to get back to training as quickly as possible. Many times that is what is needed after an experience like the one you both had. It gives you something to focus on each day instead of living in the memories of that event.” Alpha Reggie gives up both a knowing stare, like he speaks from experience. “As far as school goes, Jena I don’t know where you were in your studies, but you are more than welcome to join a program that interests you, we can go over that when Doc Sylvia and her team is done with you. And Skylar, you just keep me on my toes at all costs. You have a full semester of college classes under your belt. I feel like high school might be on the boring side now. What would you say to training with warrior Brogen and myself?”

“What does that mean exactly?” I ask, confused. They don’t teach classes so I have no idea what it is that they would be teaching me, but the idea of not going back to high school intrigues me more than it should.

“Since you don’t seem to follow a logical laid out plan for your education and training, we have decided to adapt your warrior training.” Well that’s not cryptic. But if Alpha Reggies sees the look of confusion on my face he ignores it and looks at Jena. “What do you say my dear? Are you ready to join our Elite Warriors and begin your journey to rebuild your pack?”

She gives him the first genuine smile I have ever seen and it lights up her whole face. It even erases some of the shadows that were there. He’s right, it’s going to help her heal to have a mission that could possibly see some of her pack members saved.


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